I wrote this blog before I started working at Modular, these views are not representative of Modular
Rust or Mojo for the future of AI?
There has been dissatisfaction with the combination of C/C++ and Python for putting ML models into production, debugging problems when something goes wrong can be a nightmarish task. Ideally we could have one language that allows systems programmers to squeeze our hardware to the limits of physics, while also being suitable as a safe high level language to make putting code into production easy, reliable and performant. Rust fits that space well despite having a steep learning curve, and it's starting to be noticed in the industry as a potential solution.
Converting production code that uses computer vision ML models from C/C++/Python to Rust is a nice experience on the surface, Rust works well as a high-level, safe and expressive language with very low performance overhead. But the ecosystem is still young, and so we still rely on huge C++ projects like opencv, which itself relies on huge C++ projects like ffmpeg for image and video encoding and decoding. The experience of linking to these libraries can be quite painful, especially statically, and squeezing performance out of SIMD registers or other specialized hardware requires even more complexity. It begins to feel redundant when you end up with hundreds of megabytes of .so
dependencies while wrapping C/C++ in unsafe Rust.
C++ Dependencies
There is an ongoing attempt to rewrite opencv functionality in Rust but it hasn't picked up much steam since it was introduced in 2019 with very little activity now, and it only really scratches the surface. Many are using opencv-rust C++ bindings which are maintained by a dedicated, but mostly solo contributor. It gives you everything needed for computer vision, including the aforementioned ffmpeg to decode video and get frames into a tensor. Then, to boost performance on ML models, the fastest solution in my benchmarks was to convert TensorFlow and PyTorch models to ONNX and use libonnxruntime bindings from a crate named ort. There is a good Rust native implementation named tract-onnx, but it doesn't have many contributors, so it is missing operators, is slow with some operators, and only runs on CPU. The ort fork of the original outdated libonnxruntime bindings is faster for all the models I've benchmarked, plus the libonnxruntime.so
dependency is very small and easy to statically link, and some larger companies like Twitter have started using it.
C++ from Rust
The tensor representation in opencv is a Matrix
, a bit of a misnomer as it can contain more than 2 dimensions. ort
uses a Rust native crate named ndarray
for it's tensor type, they both have the same C row-major representation in memory, so we can get performance improvements by dipping into unsafe Rust and bitcasting the Rust native ndarray::Array
as the C++ native opencv::Matrix
without copying any data. However writing unsafe
Rust around C++ libraries is not always the most pleasant experience, and with the vast majority of AI researchers being Python users who aren't interested in learning Rust, it's unlikely that it will ever get significant adoption in ML. It'll never be as ergonomic for researchers as the combination of opencv-python
, numpy
, pytorch
What if we could keep the beauty and simplicity of Python as a high level language, and rewrite one function at a time in Mojo to get better performance, removing the complexity and indirections of all the C/C++/Fortran dependencies?
Rewriting C/C++/Python with Mojo
Instead of adding more complexity on top of C++, let's see how we can use Mojo to simplify things and get even faster performance.
Currently Mojo is only available from an online Jupyter notebook (local release should be in the next few months), so to benchmark we're going to need to need to run Python from the same notebook environment.
We'll be taking a png of a fire emoji, manually implementing a box blur in python, then using an optimized opencv function, and rewriting it in Mojo to remove all the underlying C/C++/OpenCL complexity.
In Mojo we can use any library from the entire Python ecosystem, so we'll use opencv to get our images into a numpy array and matplotlib to render them:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors, pyplot as plt
from timeit import timeit
def write_img(path, img):
cv2.imwrite(path, img)
def open_img(img):
img = cv2.imread(img).astype(np.uint8)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2RGBA)
return img
There is a image in the same folder as this notebook named fire.png
Using md-notebook you can access all the previous Python cells from Mojo using the py
img = py.open_img("fire.png")
# Convert from RGB to BGR to color flame blue
img = py.cv2.cvtColor(img, py.cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)
py.write_img("blue-fire.png", img)
img = open_img("fire.png")
print(img[0, 0, 0:4])
[255 255 255 255]
The format is: [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] represented by 8bit unsigned integers.
Or a middle pixel with some color:
print(img[120, 120, 0:4])
[ 27 161 252 255]
Let's try applying a blur using python first:
def box_blur(image, diameter):
blurred_image = np.copy(image)
height, width, _ = image.shape
radius = diameter // 2
for x in range(0, height):
for y in range(0, width):
# Take the average of the pixels in the neighborhood
blurred_image[x, y] = np.mean(
max(0, x - radius):min(height, x + radius + 1),
max(0, y - radius):min(width, y + radius + 1)
axis=(0, 1)
return blurred_image
blurred = box_blur(img, 8)
write_img("blurred.jpg", blurred)
This is obviously going to be a very slow operation in Python compared to what you can do in a language like C, let's time how long it takes:
img = open_img("fire.png")
python_secs = timeit(lambda: box_blur(img, 8), number = 5) / 5
The opencv version of the operation uses C++ and one of a few hardware APIs depending on how it was compiled, taking advantage of vectorization. First lets take a look at the result to make sure it's doing the same thing:
img = open_img("fire.png")
img = cv2.filter2D(img, -1, np.ones((8, 8))/64)
write_img("filter2D.jpg", img)
img = open_img("fire.png")
opencv_secs = timeit(lambda: cv2.filter2D(img, -1, np.ones((8, 8), np.uint8)/64), number=5) / 5
print("Seconds:", opencv_secs)
Seconds: 0.0006133885999588529
That's giving us a very nice speedup over the Python version using C++:
print("Speedup:", python_secs / opencv_secs)
Speedup: 305.831956407965
Going to the definition of filter2D
we find the below code. The ...
means the C++ functions have default values; these are just for type hints in Python. The overload with UMat
is for when you're using the GPU version of opencv:
# md-notebook:skip
def filter2D(src: cv2.typing.MatLike, ddepth: int, kernel: cv2.typing.MatLike, dst: cv2.typing.MatLike | None = ..., anchor: cv2.typing.Point = ..., delta: float = ..., borderType: int = ...) -> cv2.typing.MatLike: ...
def filter2D(src: UMat, ddepth: int, kernel: UMat, dst: UMat | None = ..., anchor: cv2.typing.Point = ..., delta: float = ..., borderType: int = ...) -> UMat: ...
Then if you do a search for filter2D in the opencv C++ source code you'll find 5 pages of results where filter2D
is defined. Likely your version of opencv will be running through OpenCL to take advantage of your CPU SIMD registers, so if you want to contribute a faster version not only will you need to figure out how OpenCL works, you'll also need to learn know how to use SIMD intrinsics from C++ as a fallback.
There is a lot more going on underneath the hood, for example ffmpeg
decoding the image and putting it into a numpy
array for us. A lot of engineering hours and complexity went into making the API's so simple and easy to use while remaining fast. It's great for the Python user with an interface that is as close to English pseudo code as possible, but what if you wanted to build your own library to operate efficiently on numpy arrays?
You're going to have to know about:
- The C/C++ programming languages
- The Python C API
- The NumPy C API,
- How NumPy does CPU/SIMD optimizations
- How to Interop with NumPy
And if you're doing anything with linear algebra:
Making your way down the stack to the actual Fortran routines requires many layers of indirection and is a daunting task. With Mojo we can learn one simple programming model that applies to CPU's, GPU's and even TPU's to replace all that complexity.
Pointing to a CPython object from Mojo
The standard library is still being built up for Mojo, so sometimes we need to use foreign-looking syntax to interact with MLIR for things that haven't been added yet. Everything in Mojo lowers to MLIR, which is used to generate code for hardware-specific optimizations. It was built by Chris Lattner and his team at Google as a successor to LLVM because it allows the modularity required for ML and exotic hardware types. Since then it was open sourced with wide adoption and absorbed into the LLVM project. It still uses the legacy LLVM infrastructure for CPU codegen and optimization.
There is nothing in the standard library yet for converting a Python integer representing an address to a Mojo pointer with a given data type, so for now we need to write our own function:
fn numpy_data_pointer(numpy_array: PythonObject) raises -> DTypePointer[DType.uint32]:
return DTypePointer[DType.uint32](
In the comments below, an AI compiler engineer working on Mojo suggests they'll add a static from_address
method to make this a lot more simple:
# md-notebook:skip
let p = DTypePointer[DType.uint32].from_address(arr.__array_interface__['data'][0])
You can see pop
is an MLIR dialect the Modular team have developed; it's not intended for normal programmers to need to understand this syntax, and over time useful things will be wrapped in a nice API by compiler engineers for systems engineers and Python programmers to use at a higher level. But you still have the power to define your own dialects or use one of the many already defined in the MLIR ecosystem, which makes it easy for vendors to accelerate their hardware, for example you can take a look at the gpu dialect here. This enables compiler engineers to write optimizations for different hardware as it becomes more exotic for AI acceleration, and Mojo developers will be able to take full advantage.
Lets go line by line to explain what's happening:
# md-notebook:skip
fn numpy_array_pointer(numpy_array: PythonObject) raises -> DTypePointer[DType.uint32]:
has the same representation in Mojo as it does in Python, see Intro to Mojo: Basic Types for more details. raises
means that an error could occur which is always the case when interacting with Python. Here I'm returning a Pointer to a DType of uint32
so each element represents the RGBA of a single pixel.
# md-notebook:skip
This is the operation to convert from an index which is an integer of size that matches your architecture, for example 64bit on an x86-64 machine, to an address that can be used as a pointer.
# md-notebook:skip
This is the type as represented in MLIR, it's 32bits so each element encompasses 4*8bit color channels representing RGBA.
# md-notebook:skip
Let's split the above into three separate parts:
# md-notebook:skip
This is using the Python interpreter to get back the address of where the raw data of the numpy array starts in memory.
# md-notebook:skip
This converts it from a PythonObject to a Mojo Int
# md-notebook:skip
This gets us back a raw MLIR scalar<index>
type which can then be converted to a pointer<scalar<ui32>>>
type via the MLIR operation.
# md-notebook:skip
return DTypePointer[DType.uint32](...)
Finally it's returned as the desired type, which is a Mojo pointer starting at the address in memory where the raw data of the numpy array starts.
Writing the Box Blur in Mojo
Below we're taking advantage of Mojo's builtin SIMD type, we figure out how many 32bit pixels we can operate on at once in the hardwares SIMD register, then for each pixel we accumulate the RGB values in a box around it and apply the average to give the blur effect. For example if our SIMD register is 512bits we can operate on 16 32bit pixels at once:
from memory import memcpy
from time import now
from math import clamp
fn box_blur_mojo[diameter: Int](image: PythonObject) raises:
# Get number of elements that fit into your hardwares SIMD register
alias simd_width = simdwidthof[DType.uint32]()
# The amount of pixels that will be averaged in box around the target pixel
alias pixels = diameter ** 2
alias radius = diameter // 2
# Use the function we defined earlier to point to the numpy arrays raw data
var p = numpy_data_pointer(image)
# Get the numpy dimensions from the Python iterpreter and convert them to Mojo ints
var height = image.shape[0].__index__()
var width = image.shape[1].__index__()
var el = width * height
# Because we don't want blurred pixels influencing the outcome of the next pixel, we allocate a new array
var tmp = DTypePointer[DType.uint32].alloc(el)
for y in range(0, height):
# Step over the amount of elements we'll operate on at the same time with SIMD
for x in range(0, width, simd_width):
var sum_r = SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width]()
var sum_g = SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width]()
var sum_b = SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width]()
# Loop through a box around the pixel
for ky in range(-radius, radius):
for kx in range(-radius, radius):
# Make sure to not go out of bounds
var iy = clamp(Int64(y) + ky, 0, height-1)
var ix = clamp(Int64(x) + kx, 0, width-1)
# Grab the amount of 32bit RGBA pixels that can fit into your hardwares SIMD register
var rgb = p.load[width=simd_width](iy.to_int() * width + ix.to_int())
# and seperate out the RGB components using bit shifts and masking, adding the values to the sums
sum_r += rgb & SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width](255)
sum_g += rgb >> 8 & SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width](255)
sum_b += rgb >> 16 & SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width](255)
# Combine 8bit color channels back into 32bit pixel (last channel is alpha 255 for no transparency)
# And divide by total pixels in the box to get the average colors
var combined = (sum_r / pixels) | (sum_g / pixels << 8) | (sum_b / pixels << 16) | (255 << 24)
# Store all the pixels at once (16 on a 512bit SIMD register)
tmp.store(y * width + x, combined)
# Copy the data from the temporay image to the original numpy array
memcpy(p, tmp, el)
var image = py.open_img("fire.png")
py.write_img("mojo-blur.png", image)
You may have noticed a bug: if the image width isn't a multiple of our SIMD register, we'll have some leftover pixels that don't get blurred. Mojo includes a vectorize function because it's such a common requirement to load chunks of data that fit into the SIMD register, and it accounts for any leftovers without us having to calculate that ourselves:
from algorithm import vectorize
fn box_blur_vectorize_mojo[diameter: Int](image: PythonObject) raises:
alias simd_width = simdwidthof[DType.uint32]()
alias pixels = diameter ** 2
alias radius = diameter // 2
var p = numpy_data_pointer(image)
var height = image.shape[0].__index__()
var width = image.shape[1].__index__()
var el = width * height
var tmp = DTypePointer[DType.uint32].alloc(el)
for y in range(0, height):
# This inner loop is vectorized by stepping over simd_width pixels (16 32bit pixels on a 512bit SIMD register)
# on the x axis, as we're loading that amount of pixels and operating on them at the same time
fn inner[simd_width: Int](x: Int):
var sum_r = SIMD[DType.uint32, simd_width]()
var sum_g = sum_r
var sum_b = sum_r
for ky in range(-radius, radius):
for kx in range(-radius, radius):
var iy = clamp(Int64(y) + ky, 0, height-1)
var ix = clamp(Int64(x) + kx, 0, width-1)
var rgb = p.load[width=simd_width](iy.to_int() * width + ix.to_int())
sum_r += rgb & 255
sum_g += rgb >> 8 & 255
sum_b += rgb >> 16 & 255
var combined = (sum_r / pixels) | (sum_g / pixels << 8) | (sum_b / pixels << 16) | (255 << 24)
tmp.store(y * width + x, combined)
# Run the vectorized inner loop
vectorize[inner, simd_width](width)
memcpy(p, tmp, el)
Now we can use a similar benchmark function as Python to take the average of 5 iterations:
image = py.open_img("fire.png")
var nanos = 0.0
var its = 5
for _ in range(its):
var tick = now()
nanos += (now() - tick)
mojo_secs = nanos / its / 1e9
print("total time:", mojo_secs)
print("python speedup:", py.python_secs / mojo_secs)
print("opencv speedup:", py.opencv_secs / mojo_secs)
total time: 0.00032285000000000001
python speedup: 663.2885296575425
opencv speedup: 1.8979340248172347
We just replaced tens of thousands of lines of incredibly hard-to-understand C++ code, accounting for all the different hardware API's that opencv supports, and still managed to get a 3x performance improvement. This can be further improved by splitting rows and running on separate cores, but this didn't result in faster performance on my playground instance as the CPU is shared with other users, stay tuned for updates once the local compiler is released.
This isn't the most performant way to do a box blur; I chose this method because it's the fewest lines of code and easiest to explain.
Overall I really enjoy working with computer vision and Rust as it's a fun language, but adding complexity is not going to help the ecosystem, it's desperately in need of simplification. As Andrej Karpathy shows, neural networks are not complicated to implement, it's making them go fast on different hardware where all the complexity comes from, and because Mojo is focused on simplifying that process while allowing AI researchers to interact with their code from Python, I'm confident that it's going to be the path forward for the industry.
If you found any mistakes, incorrect information, or have faster benchmarks, please let me know in the comments below or Edit this page on GitHub to raise a pull request!
contributions by Ryan Govostes and Abdul Dakkak