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Tuple literal, consists of zero or more values separated by commas.


These are the same, as Tuple can be elided when using () brackets:

let t = (1, 2, 3)
let t = Tuple(1, 2, 3)

You can also use different types inside the tuple, and can be implicit or explicit with the types:

let u = ("string", 5.0, 2)
let v: Tuple[StringLiteral, FloatLiteral, Int] = ("string", 5.0, 2)


Number of elements in the tuple.

print("Length of the tuple:", len(t))
Length of the tuple: 3


Get a specific element in the tuple.

print(u.get[1, FloatLiteral]())


You can't get items from a tuple if it's not @register_passable:

struct Coord:
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

var x = (Coord(5, 10), 5.5)

let y = x.get[0, Coord]()
error: Expression [2]:23:28: invalid call to 'get': result cannot bind generic !mlirtype to memory-only type 'Coord'
    let y = x.get[0, Coord]()

/.modular/Kernels/mojo/Builtin/Tuple.mojo:58:5: function declared here
    fn get[i: Int, T: AnyType](self) -> T:

To remedy this you can mark it as @register_passable, but it must contain all register passable types:

struct Coord:
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

var x = (Coord(5, 10), 5.5)

print(x.get[0, Coord]().x)

So items like a String won't work.